There are no required purchases of gear since all types will be available to borrow from the school supplies. Yet, some parents may want to purchase certain types of gear in order to ensure their child is not having to share items and can practice on their own.

Are Parents Required To Buy Special Uniforms, Pads, Or Other Gear?
The requirements for attending class is simply to wear an official Master Booe’s Karate Kids Uniform and appropriate belt.
There are also other options. Students can wear several colors of official uniforms and multiple t-shirt styles that can be purchased at the studio and worn instead of the uniform top.
At intermediate and advanced belt levels there are gloves and headgear that can be purchased and training weapons as well. But again, I have them all at the school to be borrowed when the time comes.
You will never feel pressured to buy seasonal, tournament, advanced level, or special gear. You will simply have the choice of borrowing or buying as you see fit.
What Do Karate Kidz Classes In Knoxville Cost?- Karate Prices
Master Booe
How much are Karate Classes?- Classes Are $49/mo for 1 day per week and $99/mo for 2 days per week with No Contracts.
The pricing structure is very simple at Master Booe’s Karate Kidz in West Knoxville when compared to others. Not only is it simple, there are no high pressure sales tactics or long term agreements. Here’s how it works…
- There are no contracts.
- Classes are $49 per month for 1 class per week and $99 per month for 2 classes per week.
- One class per week is the recommended pace, but you are the parent and know your children.
- The first term purchased comes with a FREE Karate Kidz uniform.
All students will be given their FREE uniform at their first class upon registering for their first term.
moreHow Long Are Karate Classes? – Knoxville TN
There is a long tradition of commonly held beliefs on the length of training in all forms of exercise and in the duration of education sessions. Most are confirmed by research of the past and the present. With this in mind, what is the best length for children in Karate classes that combine the physical and mental?
Karate classes for children are 45 minutes in the best case scenario and for adults around 1 hour. There are many studies showing aerobic activity over 1 hour and learning sessions over 50 minutes has diminishing returns and increased chances of injury.
If this is the case, and it is backed by research, why do some martial arts classes and school classes last up to an hour and a half? Is it that some mistakenly think longer is better or that ‘sticking it out’ in longer sessions build mental and physical toughness?
Maybe so, but research and experience tells us that if you want the best return on the time invested, it is better to stay within the body’s limits for mental and physical performance. That is 45 minutes for kids and under an hour for adults.
moreKnoxville Birthday Party Options For 2 And Up?
Master Booe
If one of your little munchkins is coming up on a birthday and you have a party to plan, it can be a little daunting trying to secure a location, plan the activities, and find entertainment. What if you could find a place that took care of all of that plus entertainment appropriate for young children?
Master Booe’s Karate Kidz in Knoxville can help you with planning, the location, entertainment, and take care of the cleanup. We can supply the food as well. I will even come to your location if that is what you need. These parties are for kids ages 2 thru 12 years old.
There are many questions I have been asked by parents about my location based and on-site Karate birthday parties. You can look through those that follow or you can visit my Karate Kidz Birthday Party page. Just contact me when you are ready to get your Karate party reserved.
morePricing - Karate Classes
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