Detailed Answers To Frequently Asked Questions


I have had many parents ask me about shoes when their kids are coming to their first Karate classes. Do students take off shoes and even socks when attending Karate classes?

Shoes are not allowed on the mat areas at Master Booe's Karate Kidz. This also applies to socks. Reasons for this include sanitation, safety during kicking techniques, and wear and tear on the protective floor mats.

In this short article, I will explain some of the reasons martial arts are normally performed in bare feet. I will also go over the rare exceptions and accommodations that can be made, though they seldom happen.


A lack of discipline and self control in children and even adults has been given excuses today in many ways. This is such a disservice to our kids. For 7 year olds, how can we combat this disturbing trend? Is the structure and self perfecting nature of Karate the answer for this societal issue?

Though not a panacea, children's Karate classes help 7 year olds with self control, confidence, self discipline, and a sense of responsibility for others and society as a whole. This is the type of Karate class for children that 7 year olds and other ages for that matter need.

Newer styles of martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, and Kickboxing have great utility for adults and even upper teenagers, yet for younger children the character development, ethical foundation, and the setting of perfection of the self as the ultimate goal found in Karate, Judo, and Taekwondo is essential.


In my experience over the three decades of teaching children of all ages, I have seen many benefits. One of the top questions parents have is about grades in school. Some want to know if Karate training will help kids focus in the classroom and help improve grades.

Children's Karate classes can definitely help grades when used by parents as one solution in an overall plan. Focus, fortitude, and self discipline are only a few of the areas that martial arts helps kids to improve. Its unique physical activity also improves cognitive function according to studies.

Let's look at some of the research that supports these claims and how Karate classes for all ages of kids can help development. With so many activities opening up for 6 year olds as compared to younger children, parents will want to choose the one with the most beneficial use of their most precious commodity... time.


Newer sport and mixed versions of martial arts today are examples of good ideas that have gone too far or astray in many ways. Though the words 'new' or 'modern' are used, the concept of blending styles is ancient in origin. So, how do these newer mixed martial arts sometimes go wrong?

Children at age 5 need to be taught virtue, history, and tradition along side martial arts techniques. Not doing so could make them dangerous to themselves and others. Modern mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sometimes strip these necessary components from child based programs.

The Samurai Code found most notably in the Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, speaks of the goal of individual Samurai in terms of proficiency in many forms of martial arts as well as many related skills. Unlike today, this ancient form of mixed martial arts was coupled with a strict code of public conduct and private discipline.


Karate and other martial arts have different meanings and usages for people depending on their age, backgrounds, and previous experience. With 4 year olds being so young, they will have limited exposure to what to expect. For parents, how can they decide on a good path forward for their 4 year old?

For children in Karate classes at 4 years old, parents can expect role modeling in respect and focus along with bully prevention and stranger awareness. Other programs like mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tend to teach inappropriate techniques through augmented adult systems.

With Karate, Judo, and Taekwondo offering guardrails and boundaries on what should be taught to children of most any age, 4 year olds are best in these traditionally run styles. A good Karate instructor will teach elements of each and also insist on ethical behavior and high standards in the child's educational pursuits.

Teaching martial arts techniques without a moral code connected like many 'modern' styles do can lead to aggression and fighting instead of self control and self defense.


Can children's Karate classes for 3 year olds in the Knoxville area accomplish what Karate does for other ages and in programs in other major cities? Adult martial artists from Knoxville have been extremely successful around the world. Yet, what can Karate do for young 3 year old children?

Studies show that Karate can help 3 year old children with a myriad of developmental milestones and goals. Karate can also help kids with social and emotional issues as well. For toddlers at 3 years old, Karate is a good intervention and preparatory course.

Knoxville has produced some world champions in many styles of martial arts. Myself and other school owners have won national and international titles. But for the parents of toddlers that is not top on their list. It is more important to find out what is available for their young children.

I own and operate the only child focused martial arts school in East Tennessee. Using my over 30 years of experience in the martial arts, I will present a case here using university level studies for why most parents should enroll their 3 year old children in Karate classes.


It is not common to have organized sports or classes for 2 year olds to participate in due to their limitations and the inexperience of teachers and coaches with the age group. Yet, there is an activity that can not only fill this gap, but can offer lifelong skills and advantages.

Karate for 2 year olds offers unique benefits by teaching kindness, patience, focus, and respect. Along with these there is the introduction of long term goals and delayed gratification. Toddlers at this age can be given advantages that will last throughout their lives.

There are several ways that Karate for 2 year olds can be a great option for families. Some toddlers need role modeling; some need to learn self control, while others have to be taught to strive and push through failure to find success.

Let's look at some of the questions parents have asked me throughout the years concerning kids this young participating in the martial arts.

Childrens Karate Class Knoxville

There has been much research on the effects of martial arts training on children of all ages. These studies are fairly unanimous on their conclusions of how children fair in Karate classes. So, what do doctors say about a Children's Karate Class?

A Children's Karate class has been shown to have very positive outcomes for children with and without challenges. Doctors and researchers alike have come to a general agreement across the board. Children do better in most cases when training in Karate.

Let's not just look at the 10,000 ft. view, but get into the specific cases where Karate classes help kids in many different situations. Parents need to know about their own kiddo's needs and how they can be met by a well run Children's Karate class.


Well, the short answer is, YES. All of my classes are designed and delivered with children in mind.


There are no required purchases of gear since all types will be available to borrow from the school supplies. Yet, some parents may want to purchase certain types of gear in order to ensure their child is not having to share items and can practice on their own.

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Some martial arts studios require 2 or even 3 attendances per month. This can and does lead to burnout and ultimately quitting training all together. Requiring students to do this is the problem.

Some students do fine coming twice per week. Many others, one attendance is much better for their personalities or activity schedules.


If one of your little munchkins is coming up on a birthday and you have a party to plan, it can be a little daunting trying to secure a location, plan the activities, and find entertainment. What if you could find a place that took care of all of that plus entertainment appropriate for young children?

Master Booe’s Karate Kidz in Knoxville can help you with planning, the location, entertainment, and take care of the cleanup. We can supply the food as well. I will even come to your location if that is what you need. These parties are for kids ages 2 thru 12 years old.

There are many questions I have been asked by parents about my location based and on-site Karate birthday parties. You can look through those that follow or you can visit my Karate Kidz Birthday Party page. Just contact me when you are ready to get your Karate party reserved.


How much are Karate Classes?- Classes Are $49/mo for 1 day per week and $99/mo for 2 days per week with No Contracts.

The pricing structure is very simple at Master Booe’s Karate Kidz in West Knoxville when compared to others. Not only is it simple, there are no high pressure sales tactics or long term agreements. Here’s how it works…

  • There are no contracts.
  • Classes are $49 per month for 1 class per week and $99 per month for 2 classes per week.
  • One class per week is the recommended pace, but you are the parent and know your children.
  • The first term purchased comes with a FREE Karate Kidz uniform.

All students will be given their FREE uniform at their first class upon registering for their first term.


With so few activity options for toddlers for parents to consider, it is no wonder martial arts for toddlers would come to mind. With all of the amazing benefits of arts like Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, and Kali they would be excellent choices if toddlers could participate. So, is Karate an options of toddlers in Knoxville?

Toddler Karate classes are definitely an option in Knoxville, though there are few schools that have the experience to teach children as young as 2 or 3 years old. With classes for toddlers ages 2 and up, Master Booe’s Karate Kidz is the best place in Knoxville for toddler martial arts.

I am Master Booe, and in my over 30 years of experience teaching Karate to children as young as two years old, I have learned that if it is done well, most 2 year olds and nearly all 3 year olds and up can thrive in the martial arts. Next, I will answer some of the questions about toddlers I have been asked by parents.


Looking for things to do with your elementary ages and older children doesn’t pose the same problems as looking for activities or sports for toddlers and preschool ages. Most classes and teams are designed for teens or adults then augmented for younger kids. This is not a good fit for toddlers or preschoolers.

Karate is one of the best activities and sports for toddlers or preschoolers. There are other things to do like soccer, dance, and gymnastics for younger kids. But Karate directly addresses toddler milestones, character development, and my classes center on fun, fit, and functional.

Don’t get me wrong. I actually promote doing Karate along with other activities as long as the other coaches or teachers don’t try to monopolize your family’s time. I advocate for a minimum of one class per week whereas other martial arts instructors or sports coaches require 2 or even 3 or more days per week.

Although I know martial arts to be the best option for toddlers, I admit it is not the only one. I am also able to be more honest with my expectations due to the fact that Karate is a lifelong journey. Other activities and sports have limited participation due to ages and seasons.


When it comes to development and education for our kidz, we all want the best. I as a martial arts instructor would never advocate dissuading your child from participating in sports that I myself have played. I would also not put down a sport like soccer and its benefits. So, let’s be honest.

Karate has more benefits than soccer for toddlers, but soccer has something to add to a child’s formative years. I played soccer and took Karate classes as a child. Yet, I am now a martial arts instructor, which tells you all you need to know about the lasting benefits of the Karate.

Neither is better when you can simply do both. I structure my system at Karate Kidz in a way that allows children to explore the martial arts while also participating in sports, artistic pursuits (watercolor is my interest), music training, and even language learning.

I speak three languages myself (German passably, and I’m a ‘white belt’ in Spanish). Read on to find out what I do to allow kidz to follow any interest and still enjoy the benefits of the martial arts.


Though all martial arts have elements of self defense, not all of them are equal in high percentage (most useful) moves. This is further compounded when considering the limited moral compass and ability of children. So, are there kidz self-defense classes in Knoxville?

There are Kids self defense classes in Knoxville at Master Booe’s Karate Kidz. Through the arts of Karate, Judo, Kali and others, self defense is taught in age appropriate formats to kidz ages 2 and up. Though martial art traditions are key, and virtue is central, self defense is the foundation.

I have told everyone throughout the years that wanted their own goals met through the martial arts. Self defense is one of the main goals, but without the art, tradition, and a strong dose of enjoyment, it doesn’t matter. You or your child won’t continue to get to the self defense if you don’t have these.

In my classes we base the curriculum on virtue and fun while learning self defense and the traditions in the arts.


Like the word Karate, Taekwondo too is a name that has become synonymous with martial arts in general. At least in the case of TKD, this means martial arts kicking. Though Taekwondo and Karate have several differences, their similarities far outweigh them. Most instructors today have black belts in both.

Kids Taekwondo classes for ages 2 and up can be found in Knoxville, TN. I have earned multiple black belts in TangSooDo, TaeKwondo, and Karate as well as instructor levels in several other styles. Taekwondo classes for 2 and 3 year olds is hard to find in TN, but Master Booe’s Karate Kidz has them.

Incorporated into my BuJuKado Karate system are the techniques of the Korean arts of Taekwondo (the way of the hand and foot) and Tang Soo Do (the China way), as well as techniques from the Japanese arts of Karate-do (the way of the open hand) and Judo (the gentle way).

There are also Filipino Kali and Japanese Kendo that I incorporate as foam weapons arts for kidz. So for 2 year olds, not only will you get Kids Taekwondo classes, but you get so much more.


Gymnastics and Karate have many things in common. There are several types of rolls and falls in some forms of Karate and in floor routines there are high kicks as well. So, are these two activities a good fit for children to learn together?

If done properly Karate and Gymnastics can be trained together. Normally they compete for the free time a family has. Yet, when training sessions are kept within boundaries both can be trained at once. Problems arise when instructors and coaches require too many training days per week.

The way I have encouraged my students to train in martial arts and other sports like gymnastics at the same time is to require only one attendance per week. This causes belt testings to take twice as long in some cases, but Karate is a life long endeavor.


There is a long tradition of commonly held beliefs on the length of training in all forms of exercise and in the duration of education sessions. Most are confirmed by research of the past and the present. With this in mind, what is the best length for children in Karate classes that combine the physical and mental?

Karate classes for children are 45 minutes in the best case scenario and for adults around 1 hour. There are many studies showing aerobic activity over 1 hour and learning sessions over 50 minutes has diminishing returns and increased chances of injury.

If this is the case, and it is backed by research, why do some martial arts classes and school classes last up to an hour and a half? Is it that some mistakenly think longer is better or that ‘sticking it out’ in longer sessions build mental and physical toughness?

Maybe so, but research and experience tells us that if you want the best return on the time invested, it is better to stay within the body’s limits for mental and physical performance. That is 45 minutes for kids and under an hour for adults.


Many that have seen or tried to break boards in Karate or Taekwondo experience it differently. Some have an easy time due to proper training and technique. Some have it easier because they are naturally stronger or athletic. Yet some have trouble and must put forth much more effort than expected.

Karate and Taekwondo boards can be easier or harder to break due to thickness, the amount of knots, or the type of wood it is. Boards are meant to be a test of will and technique. They may also be easier or harder to break due to the student’s size and strength or the type of technique used.

To be sure, not all boards are created equally. Sometimes this is on purpose as well. For toddlers, kids, and even pre-teens there are differing sized boards and thicknesses than the average adult will break. I will answer a few questions here that I have been asked in the past.


Training in Karate or other martial arts is not like training in many contemporary sports. Martial arts is not learned only for immediate competitions or seasons. There are arts that have those things. But self defense and self improvement are foundational reasons that make Karate a lifelong pursuit.

Kids should take martial arts classes a minimum of 1 time per week and a maximum of 2 times per week. One time per week is preferable for some kids and allows for other interests. Some children may be able to train 2 days or even 3 days per week for a time, but only temporarily.

This doesn’t mean that 2 or even 3 times per week is not an acceptable amount of time periodically. There are times of preparation for testings, tournaments, and demonstrations that could demand extra training.

The problem comes when too many classes per week is taken as the norm and other things have to take a back seat. I knew my children and how much training they could handle on a regular basis and as an instructor I trust parents to know their own children.

Whether you choose Karate classes 1 or 2 days per week you know your child’s attention span and other interests. I would just caution anyone to keep 1 class per week as the norm and 2 or 3 as periodic and circumstantial.


The ancient Japanese word Karate has actually become a word that is synonymous with martial arts in general. When we address how good it is for kids to learn, any answer tends to be qualified with, “Yes, but it kinda depends.” What could it depend on and is it good overall for children?

Karate is excellent for kids to study if a few prerequisites are met.

  • The instructor must have extensive experience in the arts included in the Karate system.
  • The techniques must be age appropriate.
  • The character of the instructor must be sound and imparted to the kids.
Knoxville Karate For Toddler Girls

Our kidz are the most important things to us and we want the best for them. I understand this completely because I raised 4 kidz of my own. So, wanting the best martial arts class and academy for your children is just as important to me as it is to you.

In Knoxville, Master Booe’s Karate Kidz is the only martial arts academy that exclusively caters to children. This means our focus isn’t split between kidz, and adults. There are good martial arts studios in the area for adults, but none compare to Karate Kidz for children.

There are several types of martial arts as well. Within those martial arts are many techniques that are totally inappropriate for children to learn or even be exposed to.

Sadly, when some schools cater to both children and adults in one academy, you will find the lines get blurred and children are taught techniques like joint dislocations, choke holds, and even bladed weapons techniques. At Master Booe’s Karate Kidz, all techniques are age appropriate and safe.


Especially when talking about families and kids, the words martial arts and Karate are regularly used to denote many different styles. Within these designations there are normally 3 categories: striking, grappling, and weapons. So, which martial art is best for kids?

The martial art best for kids is a blended Karate system that incorporates striking with the hands and feet, grappling involving wrestling type movements, and weapons training with an emphasis on improvised weapons. The basics and virtue training should also be the main focus.

As I will show you in this article, many styles of martial arts for kids lack major elements that make the training and environment not conducive to the developing minds and bodies of our kids.

Achieving a truly child centered environment for most martial arts studios is difficult to impossible with their divided focus between adults, teens, and children.
