Free Trial Karate Class – Knoxville TN
Sign Up For A Free Class

Option A - 1 FREE Class
I would like to personally invite you to try a FREE class in our totally and uniquely kid focused program. You bring the Karate Kidz and I will bring the fun!
If you are ready to see your little ninja smile, strive, and attain goals they thought were just out of reach, set up their FIRST Karate class by choosing the 1 FREE class signup option below.

Option B - Current 1 Month Special
Our current 1 month Special is the perfect opportunity to let your Karate Kidz try out more of the classes and get a FREE uniform.
What you get:
- 1 month of classes for $29
- 1 or 2 days per week (whichever fits your family schedule better)
- Flexibility-You may pick the same class times each week OR vary it. It's your choice!
- Eligibility to test for their first color belt
- FREE official Master Booe’s Karate Kidz uniform (choice of red, blue, black, or white) or t-shirt & gi pants option!
If you would like to choose this option, fill out the 1 month special form below.
A- One FREE Class Registration
B- One Month $29 Special Registration
*Offer not valid with any other offers. New students only.