
How Many Karate Classes Per Week Do Kidz Attend? – Knoxville TN

Some martial arts studios require 2 or even 3 attendances per month. This can and does lead to burnout and ultimately quitting training all together. Requiring students to do this is the problem.

Some students do fine coming twice per week. Many others, one attendance is much better for their personalities or activity schedules.

Two of the main enemies of reaching the goal of black belt in the martial arts is boredom and overtraining (burnout). Combating this and helping children reach their long term goal relies on allowing parents to decide the frequency of training for their own kidz.

Because of this, you are welcome to take it as fast or as slow as you would like for your little Karate Kidz. I would strongly advise against more than twice per week for any students… yet again, you know your children and schedule.

If you would like to find out more about philosophies on attending practices in the martial arts, see my article about the number of classes kidz take per week here.

To get started with a FREE class and then get a FREE uniform with your first term registration, fill out this form or contact me today!