When it comes to development and education for our kidz, we all want the best. I as a martial arts instructor would never advocate dissuading your child from participating in sports that I myself have played. I would also not put down a sport like soccer and its benefits. So, let’s be honest.
Karate has more benefits than soccer for toddlers, but soccer has something to add to a child’s formative years. I played soccer and took Karate classes as a child. Yet, I am now a martial arts instructor, which tells you all you need to know about the lasting benefits of the Karate.
Neither is better when you can simply do both. I structure my system at Karate Kidz in a way that allows children to explore the martial arts while also participating in sports, artistic pursuits (watercolor is my interest), music training, and even language learning.
I speak three languages myself (German passably, and I’m a ‘white belt’ in Spanish). Read on to find out what I do to allow kidz to follow any interest and still enjoy the benefits of the martial arts.