About Master Booe

Knoxville's Most Experienced Kidz Martial Arts Instruction


Who Is Master Booe?

There are three areas that I will reveal here about who I am.

  • My decades of professional martial arts instruction to children
  • My extensive work with adults in military, police, martial arts instructors, and competition groups
  • The personal side of my over 30 year marriage and four (now adult) children

I will give a little window into who I am so you can rest assured, your Karate Kidz are in good hands.


The Professional Side Of Master Booe

  • Let’s look at the experience in the martial arts and teaching kidz I bring.

    Teaching Kidz Karate For Over 30 Years

  • I am Master Booe and have been teaching children of all ages for over 30 years. I have taught literally thousands of children in the Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Knoxville areas.

    It is not an exaggeration when I say I have taught over 10,000 children over the years from all parts of the globe. In many of the cities I have lived, I couldn’t visit the grocery store without some child running toward me screaming, ‘Master Booe!’ and attaching themselves to my leg.

    Instructing Adults In All Capacities

    As well, I have taught on the adult side all over the world including military, police forces, government agencies, martial arts instructors, and competitors alike.

    Adult fight teams, military groups, and police forces have flown me around the world to give seminars and develop adult programs. Just some of the countries I have been flown to, taught in, and competed in are: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, South Korea, and many states from coast to coast in the U.S.

Master Booe’s Credentials And Accomplishments

Here is where those that don’t know what some of this stuff is, this info can become a little, ‘dry’.

I include a portion of it here so that all of the dads, moms, and grandparents wanting to ensure that what their Karate Kidz are learning is effective self defense can see first hand what is behind all of the excitement in the classes. This is where the substance behind the fun comes from.


  • BS: Liberal Arts – Excelsior College
  • MA: Current Graduate Student – Christendom Graduate School


  • English
  • German


Full time Martial Arts Instructor, International Seminar Teacher, and Freelance Consultant for 30 years.

Dog Brothers Martial Arts (Kali, Pikiti Tirsia, Muay Thai, Grappling, etc.)

  • Dog Brothers Martial Arts Guro (one of only a handful in the world)
  • Full Dog Brother: Nickname – “Boo Dog”
  • Over 54 Real Contact Stick and Knife Fights in Los Angeles, North Hollywood, Burbank, San Diego, and Bern Switzerland
  • Member of the NOHO Clan
  • Former International Director of the Dog Brothers Martial Arts School Program


Luke Beston’s team there north of Sydney, Australia is a top class BJJ crew with an amazing school atmosphere. Luke is a very classy guy and a top level instructor. I really enjoyed my time ‘down under’ and appreciate the effort it took for them to fly me down there.

New Zealand

This is a seminar series I did for Damian Halforty in Auckland, New Zealand. He is a great person, amazing trainer, and avid martial artist. This was one of my favorite seminars of the many I did around the world.

Hayastan Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

For years I helped Gokor with his school, started his Hayastan Grappling Challenge Tournaments Series, and helped trained countless adult and junior champions. Gokor’s system is amazing, and He is without a doubt one of the absolute best martial arts instructors of any kind in the world.

  • 7th Level Instructor under Gokor Chivichyan and Gene LeBell’s Hayastan Grappling System
  • Trained for 7 years of 30+ years in the martial arts at the Hayastan MMA academy in North Hollywood, CA
  • Sparring partner for multiple UFC and WEC fighters.
  • Competed and medaled in submission grappling and Judo tournaments in Los Angeles, North Hollywood, and Las Vegas.
  • Former National Director for Hayastan Grappling Challenge Tournament Series.

Other black belts, certifications, and styles:

  • Hap Ki Do
  • Tang Soo Do
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Isshinryu Karate
  • Certified ASP Officer
  • Co-founder – Naval Combatives – Naval Base San Diego

Master Booe Featured In International Magazines

Master Booe In Australia's Blitz Magazine

This one is when I was interviewed in an Australian Magazine about adult oriented martial arts topics.



Here is a German Magazine that featured one of my fights in its article.


Master Booe’s Family Life

I have been happily married to my wonderful wife Jackie for over 30 years. We have 4 adult children and several grandchildren now.

Jackie is a retired, former elementary school teacher with experience teaching in Los Angeles, Northern Virginia near D.C., and holder of multiple graduate degrees in education.

You will get to meet one of my kidz Ethan, my adult special needs son when you come to my classes in Knoxville. He is on the Autism spectrum and has learning disabilities, but is high functioning, gentle, and a big help in the classes.

I have raised four successful children and taught thousands more throughout their younger years. I have forgotten more than most know about the martial arts and teaching children.

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