
Is Master Booe’s Karate Kidz In Knoxville A Kidz Only School?

Well, the short answer is, YES. All of my classes are designed and delivered with children in mind.

A further note is that teens are considered usually old enough to take classes with adults or at least in their own separate classes. Teens are not regularly allowed in normal classes, but are enrolled on a case by case basis and attend their own class times.

This all means that our environment is laser focused on younger and elementary aged kidz. The facility design, curriculum, class structure, and goals are all on their level. There will not be tattooed men walking through the space with bags of smelly gear waiting for the mat to free up.


Don’t get me wrong, for instructors, military, law enforcement, etc. that type of training is necessary. When men train together, we become more effective protectors and providers.

I was one of those guys, and a trainer of many of them for years all over the world. But believe me, that gear really smells and their presence changes the atmosphere of a school.

That all being said, I do encourage mommy, daddy, or older sibling and me classes. These are sometimes called ‘Family Classes’. But these classes are geared toward the younger child with bonding ‘mat time’ the benefit of other family members being involved.

The classes I offer are for kidz from 2 yrs old up to 12 years old. Again, Teens have their own time. We will work out special circumstances for older family members to participate with the young ones. And each class time develops its own age range and culture.

But yeah, we really are a kid focused studio.


Especially when talking about families and kids, the words martial arts and Karate are regularly used to denote many different styles. Within these designations there are normally 3 categories: striking, grappling, and weapons. So, which martial art is best for kids?


Knoxville Karate For Toddler Girls

Our kidz are the most important things to us and we want the best for them. I understand this completely because I raised 4 kidz of my own. So, wanting the best martial arts class and academy for your children is just as important to me as it is to you.

In Knoxville, Master Booe’s Karate...

Childrens Karate Class Knoxville

There has been much research on the effects of martial arts training on children of all ages. These studies are fairly unanimous on their conclusions of how children fair in Karate classes. So, what do doctors say about a Children's Karate Class?



Looking for things to do with your elementary ages and older children doesn’t pose the same problems as looking for activities or sports for toddlers and preschool ages. Most classes and teams are designed for teens or adults then augmented for younger kids. This is not a good fit for toddlers...
